
姓 名     于振华



职 称     副教授
职 务
所属系    真空与过程装备系
邮 箱    yu77918@163.com
电 话




国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 52172344, 自动驾驶接管行为动态迁移规律及接管绩效提升方法, 2022-01-01  2025-12-31, 58万元, 参与


中国电子科技集团公司第三十八研究所, 企业委托项目, 2022JSKF1064, 基于增强现实的空间物体识别与跟踪定位, 2022-08  2023-11, 16.75万元, 参与










[1].     Zhao, Y., Jiang, K., Yu, Z.*(通讯作者), & Huang, Z.. Emotion-matched in-vehicle assistants: an exploration in regulating drivers' incidental emotions and enhancing takeover performance and situational awareness. Cognition, Technology & Work, 2024,1-21.(校定核心,SCI检索)


[2].     Jiang K, Liu Y, Yu Z*(通讯作者), et al. Effects of smartwatch usage on Children’s street-crossing behavior and visual attention allocation: An experimental study on street crossing in a real road environment[J]. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2024, 194: 107364.(校定核心,SCI检索)


[3].     Yu, Zhenhua., Xu, Gerui., Jiang, Kang, Feng, Zhongxiang., & Xu, Shan.. Constructing the behavioral sequence of the takeover processTOR, behavior characteristics and phases division: A real vehicle experiment. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2023,186, 107040. (期刊论文) (SCI检索)


[4].     Kang Jiang, Yu Wang, Zhenhua Yu*(通讯作者), Zhongxiang Feng & Zhipeng Huang. The use of car safety seats for children in China: A questionnaire survey based on the theory of planned behavior[J]. Traffic injury prevention, 2023: 1-9. (校定核心,SCI检索)


[5].     Zhenhua Yu; Kang Jiang; Zhipeng Huang; Ping Zhang; Zhongxiang Feng ; Will I start an automated driving system? Report on the emotions, cognition, and intention of drivers whoexperienced real-world conditional automated driving, Cognition, Technology & Work, 2022, 24(4):641-666 (期刊论文) (SCISSCI检索)


[6].     Kang Jiang; Zhiwei Yang; Zhongxiang Feng; N.N. Sze; Zhenhua Yu; Zhipeng Huang; JiajiaChen ; Effects of using mobile phones while cycling: A study from the perspectives ofmanipulation and visual strategies, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology andBehaviour, 2021, 83: 291-303 (期刊论文) (SCI检索)


[7].     Yu Z , Feng Z , Jiang K , et al. Riding personal mobility vehicles on the road: an analysis of the intentions of Chinese users[J]. Cognition Technology and Work, 2019(4):1-14. (校定核心,SCI检索)


[8].     于振华, 姜康. 磁过滤真空阴极电弧技术弧电流对四面体非晶碳薄膜性能的影响[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 2017, v.37(12):84-89.    (校定核心)


[9].     于振华, 姜康. 基于机械系统运动学的滑阀泵滑阀杆不平衡力的计算[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 2016, 036(009):999-1003.    (校定核心)


[10].于振华, 李志远, 姜康. 基于计算多刚体系统动力学的双级滑阀真空泵振动平衡研究[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 2014, 034(001):5-9.    (校定核心,EI检索)


[11].于振华, 李志远, 姜康. 双级滑阀式真空泵排气系统结构噪声预测[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 2014, 034(008):787-792.    (校定核心,EI检索)


[12].于振华, 姜康, 李志远,. 双级滑阀真空泵振动平衡的研究[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 2013(03):98-101.     (校定核心,EI检索)


[13].于振华, 刘兴善, 胡焕林,. 开拓发展大抽速双级滑阀真空泵[J]. 真空, 2009(06):35-38. (中文核心)



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