David L. Burris:Tribological rehydration of cartilage: new insight into how movement helps keep joints moving



报告地点:格物楼2楼 学术报告厅

报 告 人:David L. Burris 教授




Burris教授2007年在佛罗里达大学获得机械工程学士学位,2008年开始就职于美国特拉大学机械工程系任助理教授,2015年获聘终身教授。他的研究内容包括设计开发用于观察埋地界面的原位摩擦实验方法、软骨摩擦学、纳米复合材料和多功能固体润滑剂的设计,以及多尺度摩擦学测量。 他拥有4项专利和超过50篇同行评审的期刊论文,总被引用2000多次。4篇一作论文被引数超过150次(单篇),8篇一作被引超过50次(单篇);近五年high-index为21。 他是ASME Marshall B. Peterson,Burt L. Newkirk和Pi Tau Sigma金牌奖,AFOSR年轻研究员奖和佛罗里达大学杰出青年校友奖的获得者。目前担任Tribology Letters (JCR-2区)杂志主编。

Biography of Professor David L. Burris:

Prof. Burris earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida in 2007. He is currently an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware. His research activities include design of novel experimental methods, development of in-situ methods for observing the buried interface, design of nanocomposite and multifunctional solid lubricants, and multi-scale tribometry. He has 4 patents and over 50 peer-reviewed journal publications. He is the recipient of the ASME Marshall B. Peterson, Burt L. Newkirk, and Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal awards, an AFOSR Young Investigator award, and the University of Florida Outstanding Young Alumnus award. Contact e-mail: dlburris@udel.edu

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